CBS KCNC-TV Denver recently aired a documentary entitled Scarred: Lessons Learned from The Cameron Peak Fire. It included several mediaRecog1vignettes, one of which was about the work PWV is doing. As part of promoting the documentary, they individually aired the vignettes prior to the actual show. In developing the PWV story, CBS used several video clips produced by our Photo/Video team and the producers were very complimentary of the content and video quality we provided.

mediaRecog2Recently, the Heartland Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced their nominees for their 2022 Emmy® Awards. PWV is involved in two nominations, within this Regional group.

CBS individually submitted each of the vignettes and PWV was nominated for an Emmy! You can find the vignette for PWV here.

In addition, CBS also was nominated for the entire 30-minute Scarred CBS documentary that you can find here. The awards ceremony is July 17.

This recognition highlights the work we do to support the Forest Service, our engagement with the community and our “just get it done” approach. It cannot be better summarized than in the email we received from CBS:

“Hey PWV Team,

I hope you guys are doing well! I'm sure you are eager to get back out and working on the trails once again.

It has been nearly a year since we were setting up the idea, let alone the logistics, of shooting an extensive piece on the work of your organization. It was just an idea in early June of 2021. It was shot in early July 2021. It aired in October 2021. And, in late May of was nominated in-part for an Emmy!

The "Scarred" documentary, today, was officially recognized by the Emmy's in the category of "News Special." It was one of only five shows that made the cut for the category, and is officially nominated for a possible Emmy in July of this year at the annual award show.

On top of that, the story about the PWV was also submitted to a category called "Video Journalist" which recognizes a composite of stories all on one topic which are shot/edited/written/voiced by one person.

All five main stories of the Scarred special were submitted under my name...and they too were nominated for an Emmy of their own!

I write not to congratulate myself...but, to say this shows that the work you all are doing is meaningful. Even if the nominations stay at just that, and don't blossom into gold be simply nominated for them is an incredible honor.

One of the three criteria Emmy judges have to evaluate is "content." They are literally scoring whether or not they find the substance of the stories both informative and captivating. Your work was what they were judging when they handed these nominations in that evaluation...not mine.

Thanks for giving me substance and freedom to share your stories. Fingers crossed there is a big win...or two...coming in July!"

Dillon Thomas

Bruce Williams, PWV Board Chair, appropriately summarized,

“We are humbled to be recognized, but more importantly we look forward to continuing what we do – helping to educate the public and maintaining our public trails.”